
Sabtu, 29 Maret 2014



Conjunction adalah kata atau kelompok kata yang berfungsi menghubungkan dua kata, phrase (frasa), clause (klausa), atau paragraph (paragraf). Kata ini merupakan satu dari delapan part of speech.

Conjunction dibedakan menjadi dua macam menurut fungisnya yaitu subordinating conjunction dan coordinating conjunction.

Cordinate Conjunction
adalah kata hubung yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua konstruksi gramatikal yang sama yaitu: kata, phrase(frasa), atau clause (klausa). Elemen yang dihubungkan tersebut biasanya bersifat paralel (kedudukannya sejajar) secara struktur gramatikal. 
Jika coordinate conjunction digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua independent clause di dalam suatu compound sentence, maka tanda baca koma ditempatkan tepat sebelum kata hubung tersebut.
Yang termasuk coordinate conjunction adalah : and, but, or, yet, for, nor, so.

Contoh kalimat coordinate conjunction :
  • I like tea and coffee
  • The patient took all the medicine, but he did not feel much better.
  • We can broil chicken on the grill tonight, or we can just eat leftovers.
  • John plays basketball well, yet his favorite sport is badminton.
  • That is neither what I said nor what I meant.

Subordinate conjunction 
adalah kata hubung yang mengawali suatu dependent atau subordinate clause (adverbal clause) dengan tujuan untuk membangun hubungan ide antaradependent clause dengan main clause. Adapun gabungan antara dependent dan main clause menghasilkan complex sentence.
Subordinate conjunction digunakan pada subordinate clause, yaitu bagian yang idenya kurang penting dibanding pada main clause.
Conjunction ini memiliki antara lain hubungan waktu (time), tempat (place), pertentangan (contrast), sebab akibat (cause-effect), syarat (condition), tujuan (reason), dan cara (manner).
Yang termasuk kata subordinate conjunction :

as if
as long as
as though
even if
even though
if only
in order that
now that
rather than
so that
Contoh kalimat subordinate conjunction :
  • Many animals died because the dry season was very extreme.
  • Anna found so much expired food when she was cleaning the kitchen.
  • Nobody knows where she lives now.
  • While I was studying in my room, I didn’t let someone else to disturb.
  • If you follow the traffic regulation, you won’t be ticketed.

Contoh soal conjunction :

1.    Sammy had someone handle her passport ... he went to abroad.
a.    when
b.    before
c.    whenever
Jawab : b
2.    A power failure occured, ... the lamps went out.
a.    then
b.    so
c.    for
Jawab : b
3.    I forgot my coat, ... i got very cold
a.    so
b.    as a result
c.    for
Jawab : a
4.    It was raining, ... I decided not to go camping.
a.    so
b.    altough
c.    but
Jawab : a
5.    The material has been cut, ... the pieces have been sewn together.
a.    so
b.    and
c.    for
Jawab  : b
6.    The mail carrier has already delivered the mail, ... the letter is not going to arrive today.
a.    but
b.    or
c.    as
Jawab : a
7.    To stay ... to leave your job is your prerogative.
a.    nor
b.    or
c.    for
Jawab : b
8.    Kim eats many egg whites before work out ... he wants to gain weight.
a.    so that
b.    because
c.    for
Jawab : a
9.    I can trust neither the manager ... his secretary.
a.    for
b.    so
c.    nor
Jawab : c
10. My supervisor called him ... me to meet in his office.
a.    but
b.    and
c.    so
Jawab : b
11. Mr. Adam is respected for researching issues ... seeking practical solutions.
a.    and
b.    yet
c.    or
Jawab : a
12. The boss said yesterday ... production in this department was down fifty percent.
a.    when
b.    that
c.    if
Jawab : b
13. You can come to my house ... you want.
a.    whenever
b.    while
c.    before
Jawab : a
14. The man drove ... he was an F-1 racer.
a.    if
b.    because
c.    as though
Jawab : c
15. She cooks by herself ... her family gets the best nutrition.
a.    because
b.    altough
c.    so that
Jawab : c
16. ... Yunika had free time during last holiday, she rearranged her house.
a.    Because
b.    That
c.    Though
Jawab : a
17. Neither Indah … her friends ate lunch here yesterday.
a.    but
b.    nor
c.    yet
jawab : b
18. ... the boy bought a PS3, he forgot to study.
a.    Since
b.    That
c.    Although
Jawab : a
19. We should be polite and pleasant ... we live.
a.    wherever
b.    when
c.    while
jawab : a
20. ... I’m annoyed, I try to think positively.
a.    for
b.    as
c.    although
jawab : c

Referensi :